Box CLI v3.4.0版を、Windows10に入れるときのスクリーンショット集です。

ダウンロード (Box CLI v3.4.0 のダウンロード)

Select components to install:
☑@box/cli CLI 3.4.0
☑Set PATH to @box/cli
☑Add %LOCALAPPDATA%\@box/cli to Windows Defender exclusions(highly recommended for perfmance!)
Destination Folder
C:\Program Files\@boxcli\

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.2311]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\xxxxx>box login -n example_name
If you are not using the quickstart guide to set up ( then go to the Box Developer console ( and:
1. Select an application with OAuth user authentication method. Create a new Custom App if needed.
2. Click on the Configuration tab and set the Redirect URI to: http://localhost:3000/callback. Click outside the input field.
3. Click on Save Changes.
? What is the OAuth Client ID of your application? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
? What is the OAuth Client Secret of your application? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
√ Opening browser for OAuth authentication. Please click Grant access to Box to continue.
If you are redirect to files view, please make sure that your Redirect URI is set up correctly and restart the login command.
Successfully logged in as!
New environment "example_name" has been created and selected.
You are set up to make your first API call. Refer to the CLI commands library ( for examples.

C:\Users\kouji>box users:get me
Type: user
ID: '00000000000'
Name: xxxxx xxxx
Created At: '2022-11-07T22:49:38-08:00'
Modified At: '2022-12-16T18:13:58-08:00'
Language: ja
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Space Amount: 999999999999999
Space Used: 1234567
Max Upload Size: 12345678901
Status: active
Job Title: ''
Phone: ''
Address: ''
Avatar URL: ''
Notification Email: []



フォルダー パスの一覧

    |   +---.bin
    |   +---@discoveryjs
    |   |   \---json-ext
    |   |       +---dist
    |   |       \---src
    |   +---@oclif
    |   |   +---color
    |   |   |   \---lib
    |   |   +---command
    |   |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |   |       +---.bin
    |   |   |       \---semver
    |   |   |           \---bin
    |   |   +---config
    |   |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |   |       \---tslib
    |   |   |           \---docs
    |   |   +---errors
    |   |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   |   \---errors
    |   |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |   |       +---ansi-regex
    |   |   |       \---strip-ansi
    |   |   +---linewrap
    |   |   +---parser
    |   |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |   |       \---tslib
    |   |   |           \---docs
    |   |   +---plugin-autocomplete
    |   |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   |   \---commands
    |   |   |   |       \---autocomplete
    |   |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |   |       +---debug
    |   |   |       |   +---dist
    |   |   |       |   \---src
    |   |   |       +---fs-extra
    |   |   |       |   +---docs
    |   |   |       |   \---lib
    |   |   |       |       +---copy
    |   |   |       |       +---copy-sync
    |   |   |       |       +---empty
    |   |   |       |       +---ensure
    |   |   |       |       +---fs
    |   |   |       |       +---json
    |   |   |       |       +---mkdirs
    |   |   |       |       +---move
    |   |   |       |       +---move-sync
    |   |   |       |       +---output
    |   |   |       |       +---path-exists
    |   |   |       |       +---remove
    |   |   |       |       \---util
    |   |   |       \---ms
    |   |   +---plugin-help
    |   |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   |   \---commands
    |   |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |   |       +---.bin
    |   |   |       +---@oclif
    |   |   |       |   +---command
    |   |   |       |   |   \---lib
    |   |   |       |   \---parser
    |   |   |       |       +---lib
    |   |   |       |       \---node_modules
    |   |   |       |           \---chalk
    |   |   |       |               \---types
    |   |   |       +---ansi-regex
    |   |   |       +---debug
    |   |   |       |   +---dist
    |   |   |       |   \---src
    |   |   |       +---ms
    |   |   |       +---semver
    |   |   |       |   \---bin
    |   |   |       +---string-width
    |   |   |       +---strip-ansi
    |   |   |       \---tslib
    |   |   +---plugin-not-found
    |   |   |   \---lib
    |   |   \---screen
    |   |       \---lib
    |   +---@tootallnate
    |   |   \---once
    |   |       \---dist
    |   +---@types
    |   |   +---bluebird
    |   |   |   \---ts4.1
    |   |   +---fs-extra
    |   |   \---node
    |   +---accepts
    |   +---acorn-walk
    |   |   \---dist
    |   +---agent-base
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   |   \---src
    |   |   \---src
    |   +---ajv
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   +---compile
    |   |   |   +---dot
    |   |   |   +---dotjs
    |   |   |   \---refs
    |   |   \---scripts
    |   +---ansi-escapes
    |   +---ansi-regex
    |   +---ansi-styles
    |   +---ansicolors
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---archiver
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       \---plugins
    |   +---archiver-utils
    |   +---argparse
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       +---action
    |   |       |   +---append
    |   |       |   \---store
    |   |       +---argument
    |   |       \---help
    |   +---array-flatten
    |   +---asn1
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       \---ber
    |   +---assert-plus
    |   +---ast-types
    |   |   +---.github
    |   |   |   \---workflows
    |   |   +---def
    |   |   +---gen
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       \---tslib
    |   |           \---modules
    |   +---async
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   \---internal
    |   +---asynckit
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---aws-sign2
    |   +---aws4
    |   |   \---.github
    |   +---balanced-match
    |   +---base64-js
    |   +---bcrypt-pbkdf
    |   +---bl
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---bluebird
    |   |   \---js
    |   |       +---browser
    |   |       \---release
    |   +---body-parser
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---types
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---debug
    |   |       |   \---src
    |   |       \---qs
    |   |           +---.github
    |   |           +---dist
    |   |           +---lib
    |   |           \---test
    |   +---box-node-sdk
    |   |   +---config
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   +---managers
    |   |   |   +---schemas
    |   |   |   +---sessions
    |   |   |   \---util
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---.bin
    |   |       +---@types
    |   |       |   \---node
    |   |       |       +---assert
    |   |       |       +---dns
    |   |       |       +---fs
    |   |       |       +---stream
    |   |       |       +---timers
    |   |       |       +---ts3.6
    |   |       |       \---util
    |   |       +---ecdsa-sig-formatter
    |   |       |   \---src
    |   |       +---jsonwebtoken
    |   |       |   \---lib
    |   |       +---jwa
    |   |       +---jws
    |   |       |   \---lib
    |   |       +---ms
    |   |       \---semver
    |   |           \---bin
    |   +---brace-expansion
    |   +---buffer
    |   +---buffer-alloc
    |   +---buffer-alloc-unsafe
    |   +---buffer-crc32
    |   +---buffer-equal-constant-time
    |   +---buffer-fill
    |   +---bytes
    |   +---cardinal
    |   |   +---bin
    |   |   +---examples
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---test
    |   |   |   \---fixtures
    |   |   \---themes
    |   +---caseless
    |   +---chalk
    |   |   \---types
    |   +---chardet
    |   |   \---encoding
    |   +---chownr
    |   +---clean-stack
    |   +---cli-cursor
    |   +---cli-progress
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   \---presets
    |   +---cli-spinners
    |   +---cli-ux
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   +---action
    |   |   |   \---styled
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       \---fs-extra
    |   |           +---docs
    |   |           \---lib
    |   |               +---copy
    |   |               +---copy-sync
    |   |               +---empty
    |   |               +---ensure
    |   |               +---fs
    |   |               +---json
    |   |               +---mkdirs
    |   |               +---move
    |   |               +---move-sync
    |   |               +---output
    |   |               +---path-exists
    |   |               +---remove
    |   |               \---util
    |   +---cli-width
    |   +---clone
    |   +---color-convert
    |   +---color-name
    |   +---colors
    |   |   +---examples
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   +---custom
    |   |   |   +---maps
    |   |   |   \---system
    |   |   \---themes
    |   +---combined-stream
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---compress-commons
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   +---archivers
    |   |   |   |   \---zip
    |   |   |   \---util
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       \---normalize-path
    |   +---concat-map
    |   |   +---example
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---content-disposition
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       \---safe-buffer
    |   +---content-type
    |   +---cookie
    |   +---cookie-signature
    |   +---core-util-is
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---crc
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       \---es6
    |   +---crc32-stream
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---cross-spawn
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       \---util
    |   +---csv
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---samples
    |   |   \---src
    |   +---csv-generate
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---es5
    |   |   \---samples
    |   +---csv-parse
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---es5
    |   |   \---samples
    |   +---csv-stringify
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---es5
    |   |   \---samples
    |   +---dashdash
    |   |   +---etc
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---data-uri-to-buffer
    |   |   \---dist
    |   |       \---src
    |   +---date-fns
    |   |   +---add_days
    |   |   +---add_hours
    |   |   +---add_iso_years
    |   |   +---add_milliseconds
    |   |   +---add_minutes
    |   |   +---add_months
    |   |   +---add_quarters
    |   |   +---add_seconds
    |   |   +---add_weeks
    |   |   +---add_years
    |   |   +---are_ranges_overlapping
    |   |   +---closest_index_to
    |   |   +---closest_to
    |   |   +---compare_asc
    |   |   +---compare_desc
    |   |   +---difference_in_calendar_days
    |   |   +---difference_in_calendar_iso_weeks
    |   |   +---difference_in_calendar_iso_years
    |   |   +---difference_in_calendar_months
    |   |   +---difference_in_calendar_quarters
    |   |   +---difference_in_calendar_weeks
    |   |   +---difference_in_calendar_years
    |   |   +---difference_in_days
    |   |   +---difference_in_hours
    |   |   +---difference_in_iso_years
    |   |   +---difference_in_milliseconds
    |   |   +---difference_in_minutes
    |   |   +---difference_in_months
    |   |   +---difference_in_quarters
    |   |   +---difference_in_seconds
    |   |   +---difference_in_weeks
    |   |   +---difference_in_years
    |   |   +---distance_in_words
    |   |   +---distance_in_words_strict
    |   |   +---distance_in_words_to_now
    |   |   +---each_day
    |   |   +---end_of_day
    |   |   +---end_of_hour
    |   |   +---end_of_iso_week
    |   |   +---end_of_iso_year
    |   |   +---end_of_minute
    |   |   +---end_of_month
    |   |   +---end_of_quarter
    |   |   +---end_of_second
    |   |   +---end_of_today
    |   |   +---end_of_tomorrow
    |   |   +---end_of_week
    |   |   +---end_of_year
    |   |   +---end_of_yesterday
    |   |   +---format
    |   |   +---get_date
    |   |   +---get_day
    |   |   +---get_days_in_month
    |   |   +---get_days_in_year
    |   |   +---get_day_of_year
    |   |   +---get_hours
    |   |   +---get_iso_day
    |   |   +---get_iso_week
    |   |   +---get_iso_weeks_in_year
    |   |   +---get_iso_year
    |   |   +---get_milliseconds
    |   |   +---get_minutes
    |   |   +---get_month
    |   |   +---get_overlapping_days_in_ranges
    |   |   +---get_quarter
    |   |   +---get_seconds
    |   |   +---get_time
    |   |   +---get_year
    |   |   +---is_after
    |   |   +---is_before
    |   |   +---is_date
    |   |   +---is_equal
    |   |   +---is_first_day_of_month
    |   |   +---is_friday
    |   |   +---is_future
    |   |   +---is_last_day_of_month
    |   |   +---is_leap_year
    |   |   +---is_monday
    |   |   +---is_past
    |   |   +---is_same_day
    |   |   +---is_same_hour
    |   |   +---is_same_iso_week
    |   |   +---is_same_iso_year
    |   |   +---is_same_minute
    |   |   +---is_same_month
    |   |   +---is_same_quarter
    |   |   +---is_same_second
    |   |   +---is_same_week
    |   |   +---is_same_year
    |   |   +---is_saturday
    |   |   +---is_sunday
    |   |   +---is_this_hour
    |   |   +---is_this_iso_week
    |   |   +---is_this_iso_year
    |   |   +---is_this_minute
    |   |   +---is_this_month
    |   |   +---is_this_quarter
    |   |   +---is_this_second
    |   |   +---is_this_week
    |   |   +---is_this_year
    |   |   +---is_thursday
    |   |   +---is_today
    |   |   +---is_tomorrow
    |   |   +---is_tuesday
    |   |   +---is_valid
    |   |   +---is_wednesday
    |   |   +---is_weekend
    |   |   +---is_within_range
    |   |   +---is_yesterday
    |   |   +---last_day_of_iso_week
    |   |   +---last_day_of_iso_year
    |   |   +---last_day_of_month
    |   |   +---last_day_of_quarter
    |   |   +---last_day_of_week
    |   |   +---last_day_of_year
    |   |   +---locale
    |   |   |   +---ar
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---bg
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---ca
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---cs
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---da
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---de
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---el
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---en
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---eo
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---es
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---fi
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---fil
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---fr
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---hr
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---hu
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---id
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---is
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---it
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---ja
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---ko
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---mk
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---nb
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---nl
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---pl
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---pt
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---ro
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---ru
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---sk
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---sl
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---sv
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---th
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---tr
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---zh_cn
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   +---zh_tw
    |   |   |   |   +---build_distance_in_words_locale
    |   |   |   |   \---build_format_locale
    |   |   |   \---_lib
    |   |   |       \---build_formatting_tokens_reg_exp
    |   |   +---max
    |   |   +---min
    |   |   +---parse
    |   |   +---set_date
    |   |   +---set_day
    |   |   +---set_day_of_year
    |   |   +---set_hours
    |   |   +---set_iso_day
    |   |   +---set_iso_week
    |   |   +---set_iso_year
    |   |   +---set_milliseconds
    |   |   +---set_minutes
    |   |   +---set_month
    |   |   +---set_quarter
    |   |   +---set_seconds
    |   |   +---set_year
    |   |   +---start_of_day
    |   |   +---start_of_hour
    |   |   +---start_of_iso_week
    |   |   +---start_of_iso_year
    |   |   +---start_of_minute
    |   |   +---start_of_month
    |   |   +---start_of_quarter
    |   |   +---start_of_second
    |   |   +---start_of_today
    |   |   +---start_of_tomorrow
    |   |   +---start_of_week
    |   |   +---start_of_year
    |   |   +---start_of_yesterday
    |   |   +---sub_days
    |   |   +---sub_hours
    |   |   +---sub_iso_years
    |   |   +---sub_milliseconds
    |   |   +---sub_minutes
    |   |   +---sub_months
    |   |   +---sub_quarters
    |   |   +---sub_seconds
    |   |   +---sub_weeks
    |   |   \---sub_years
    |   +---debug
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   +---node_modules
    |   |   |   \---ms
    |   |   \---src
    |   +---decompress-response
    |   +---deep-extend
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---deep-is
    |   |   +---example
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---defaults
    |   +---define-lazy-prop
    |   +---degenerator
    |   |   \---dist
    |   |       \---src
    |   +---delayed-stream
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---depd
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       +---browser
    |   |       \---compat
    |   +---destroy
    |   +---ecc-jsbn
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---ee-first
    |   +---emoji-regex
    |   |   \---es2015
    |   +---encodeurl
    |   +---end-of-stream
    |   +---escape-html
    |   +---escape-string-regexp
    |   +---escodegen
    |   |   +---bin
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---.bin
    |   |       +---esprima
    |   |       |   +---bin
    |   |       |   \---dist
    |   |       \---source-map
    |   |           +---dist
    |   |           \---lib
    |   +---esprima
    |   |   +---bin
    |   |   \---dist
    |   +---estraverse
    |   +---esutils
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---etag
    |   +---expand-template
    |   +---express
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   +---middleware
    |   |   |   \---router
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---debug
    |   |       |   \---src
    |   |       +---path-to-regexp
    |   |       +---qs
    |   |       |   +---.github
    |   |       |   +---dist
    |   |       |   +---lib
    |   |       |   \---test
    |   |       \---safe-buffer
    |   +---extend
    |   +---external-editor
    |   |   \---main
    |   |       \---errors
    |   +---extract-stack
    |   +---extsprintf
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---fast-deep-equal
    |   |   \---es6
    |   +---fast-json-stable-stringify
    |   |   +---benchmark
    |   |   +---example
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---fast-levenshtein
    |   +---figures
    |   +---file-uri-to-path
    |   |   \---dist
    |   |       \---src
    |   +---finalhandler
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       \---debug
    |   |           \---src
    |   +---forever-agent
    |   +---form-data
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---forwarded
    |   +---fresh
    |   +---fs-constants
    |   +---fs-extra
    |   |   +---docs
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       +---copy
    |   |       +---copy-sync
    |   |       +---empty
    |   |       +---ensure
    |   |       +---fs
    |   |       +---json
    |   |       +---mkdirs
    |   |       +---move
    |   |       +---move-sync
    |   |       +---output
    |   |       +---path-exists
    |   |       +---remove
    |   |       \---util
    |   +---fs.realpath
    |   +---ftp
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---node_modules
    |   |   |   +---isarray
    |   |   |   |   \---build
    |   |   |   +---readable-stream
    |   |   |   |   \---lib
    |   |   |   \---string_decoder
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---get-uri
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---fs-extra
    |   |       |   \---lib
    |   |       |       +---copy
    |   |       |       +---copy-sync
    |   |       |       +---empty
    |   |       |       +---ensure
    |   |       |       +---fs
    |   |       |       +---json
    |   |       |       +---mkdirs
    |   |       |       +---move
    |   |       |       +---move-sync
    |   |       |       +---output
    |   |       |       +---path-exists
    |   |       |       +---remove
    |   |       |       \---util
    |   |       \---graceful-fs
    |   +---getpass
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---github-from-package
    |   |   +---example
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---glob
    |   +---graceful-fs
    |   +---har-schema
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---har-validator
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---has-flag
    |   +---http-errors
    |   +---http-proxy-agent
    |   |   \---dist
    |   +---http-signature
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---http-status
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---https-proxy-agent
    |   |   \---dist
    |   +---hyperlinker
    |   +---iconv-lite
    |   |   +---encodings
    |   |   |   \---tables
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---ieee754
    |   +---indent-string
    |   +---inflight
    |   +---inherits
    |   +---ini
    |   +---inquirer
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       +---objects
    |   |       +---prompts
    |   |       +---ui
    |   |       \---utils
    |   +---ip
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---ipaddr.js
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---is-docker
    |   +---is-fullwidth-code-point
    |   +---is-interactive
    |   +---is-plain-obj
    |   +---is-promise
    |   +---is-typedarray
    |   +---is-unicode-supported
    |   +---is-wsl
    |   +---isarray
    |   +---isexe
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---isstream
    |   +---js-yaml
    |   |   +---bin
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       \---js-yaml
    |   |           +---schema
    |   |           \---type
    |   |               \---js
    |   +---jsbn
    |   +---json-schema
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---json-schema-traverse
    |   |   \---spec
    |   |       \---fixtures
    |   +---json-stringify-safe
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---jsonfile
    |   +---jsprim
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---keychain
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---keytar
    |   |   +---build
    |   |   |   \---Release
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---node_modules
    |   |   |   +---.bin
    |   |   |   +---detect-libc
    |   |   |   |   \---lib
    |   |   |   +---lru-cache
    |   |   |   +---node-abi
    |   |   |   |   +---.circleci
    |   |   |   |   +---.github
    |   |   |   |   |   \---workflows
    |   |   |   |   +---scripts
    |   |   |   |   \---test
    |   |   |   +---prebuild-install
    |   |   |   +---semver
    |   |   |   |   +---bin
    |   |   |   |   +---classes
    |   |   |   |   +---functions
    |   |   |   |   +---internal
    |   |   |   |   \---ranges
    |   |   |   +---simple-get
    |   |   |   |   \---.github
    |   |   |   |       \---workflows
    |   |   |   \---yallist
    |   |   \---src
    |   +---lazystream
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---levn
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---lodash
    |   |   \---fp
    |   +---lodash.assign
    |   +---lodash.defaults
    |   +---lodash.difference
    |   +---lodash.flatten
    |   +---lodash.get
    |   +---lodash.includes
    |   +---lodash.isboolean
    |   +---lodash.isinteger
    |   +---lodash.isnumber
    |   +---lodash.isplainobject
    |   +---lodash.isstring
    |   +---lodash.once
    |   +---lodash.template
    |   +---lodash.templatesettings
    |   +---lodash.toarray
    |   +---lodash.union
    |   +---lodash._reinterpolate
    |   +---log-symbols
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---ansi-styles
    |   |       +---chalk
    |   |       |   \---source
    |   |       +---color-convert
    |   |       +---color-name
    |   |       +---has-flag
    |   |       \---supports-color
    |   +---lru-cache
    |   +---media-typer
    |   +---merge-descriptors
    |   +---merge-options
    |   +---methods
    |   +---mime
    |   |   \---src
    |   +---mime-db
    |   +---mime-types
    |   +---mimic-fn
    |   +---mimic-response
    |   +---minimatch
    |   +---minimist
    |   |   +---example
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---mkdirp-classic
    |   +---moment
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   |   \---locale
    |   |   +---locale
    |   |   +---min
    |   |   +---src
    |   |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   |   +---create
    |   |   |   |   +---duration
    |   |   |   |   +---format
    |   |   |   |   +---locale
    |   |   |   |   +---moment
    |   |   |   |   +---parse
    |   |   |   |   +---units
    |   |   |   |   \---utils
    |   |   |   \---locale
    |   |   \---ts3.1-typings
    |   +---ms
    |   +---mute-stream
    |   |   +---.nyc_output
    |   |   +---coverage
    |   |   |   \---lcov-report
    |   |   |       \---__root__
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---nanoid
    |   |   +---async
    |   |   +---bin
    |   |   +---non-secure
    |   |   \---url-alphabet
    |   +---napi-build-utils
    |   +---negotiator
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---netmask
    |   |   +---example
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---test
    |   |   \---tests
    |   +---nice-try
    |   |   \---src
    |   +---node-addon-api
    |   |   \---tools
    |   +---normalize-path
    |   +---oauth-sign
    |   +---on-finished
    |   +---once
    |   +---onetime
    |   +---open
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       \---is-wsl
    |   +---optionator
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---ora
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---ansi-regex
    |   |       +---ansi-styles
    |   |       +---bl
    |   |       |   \---test
    |   |       +---chalk
    |   |       |   \---source
    |   |       +---cli-cursor
    |   |       +---color-convert
    |   |       +---color-name
    |   |       +---has-flag
    |   |       +---mimic-fn
    |   |       +---onetime
    |   |       +---readable-stream
    |   |       |   \---lib
    |   |       |       \---internal
    |   |       |           \---streams
    |   |       +---restore-cursor
    |   |       +---strip-ansi
    |   |       \---supports-color
    |   +---os-tmpdir
    |   +---p-event
    |   +---p-finally
    |   +---p-timeout
    |   +---pac-proxy-agent
    |   |   \---dist
    |   +---pac-resolver
    |   |   \---dist
    |   +---parseurl
    |   +---password-prompt
    |   +---path-is-absolute
    |   +---path-key
    |   +---performance-now
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---src
    |   |   \---test
    |   |       \---scripts
    |   +---prelude-ls
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---process-nextick-args
    |   +---promise-queue
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   \---lib-cov
    |   +---proxy-addr
    |   +---proxy-agent
    |   |   +---.github
    |   |   |   \---workflows
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---proxy-from-env
    |   +---psl
    |   |   +---data
    |   |   \---dist
    |   +---pump
    |   +---punycode
    |   +---qs
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---range-parser
    |   +---raw-body
    |   +---rc
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---node_modules
    |   |   |   \---minimist
    |   |   |       +---example
    |   |   |       \---test
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---readable-stream
    |   |   +---doc
    |   |   |   \---wg-meetings
    |   |   \---lib
    |   |       \---internal
    |   |           \---streams
    |   +---redeyed
    |   |   +---examples
    |   |   |   +---browser
    |   |   |   \---sources
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---remove-trailing-separator
    |   +---request
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---restore-cursor
    |   +---run-async
    |   +---rxjs
    |   |   +---add
    |   |   |   +---observable
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    |   |   |   \---operator
    |   |   +---ajax
    |   |   +---bundles
    |   |   +---internal
    |   |   |   +---observable
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    |   |   |   +---operators
    |   |   |   +---scheduler
    |   |   |   +---symbol
    |   |   |   +---testing
    |   |   |   \---util
    |   |   +---internal-compatibility
    |   |   +---migrations
    |   |   |   \---update-6_0_0
    |   |   +---observable
    |   |   |   \---dom
    |   |   +---operator
    |   |   +---operators
    |   |   +---scheduler
    |   |   +---src
    |   |   |   +---add
    |   |   |   |   +---observable
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    |   |   |   +---internal
    |   |   |   |   +---observable
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    |   |   |   |   +---operators
    |   |   |   |   +---scheduler
    |   |   |   |   +---symbol
    |   |   |   |   +---testing
    |   |   |   |   \---util
    |   |   |   +---internal-compatibility
    |   |   |   +---observable
    |   |   |   |   \---dom
    |   |   |   +---operator
    |   |   |   +---operators
    |   |   |   +---scheduler
    |   |   |   +---symbol
    |   |   |   +---testing
    |   |   |   +---util
    |   |   |   \---webSocket
    |   |   +---symbol
    |   |   +---testing
    |   |   +---util
    |   |   +---webSocket
    |   |   +---_esm2015
    |   |   |   +---ajax
    |   |   |   +---internal
    |   |   |   |   +---observable
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    |   |   |   |   +---operators
    |   |   |   |   +---scheduler
    |   |   |   |   +---symbol
    |   |   |   |   +---testing
    |   |   |   |   \---util
    |   |   |   +---internal-compatibility
    |   |   |   +---operators
    |   |   |   +---testing
    |   |   |   \---webSocket
    |   |   \---_esm5
    |   |       +---ajax
    |   |       +---internal
    |   |       |   +---observable
    |   |       |   |   \---dom
    |   |       |   +---operators
    |   |       |   +---scheduler
    |   |       |   +---symbol
    |   |       |   +---testing
    |   |       |   \---util
    |   |       +---internal-compatibility
    |   |       +---operators
    |   |       +---testing
    |   |       \---webSocket
    |   +---safe-buffer
    |   +---safer-buffer
    |   +---semver
    |   |   \---bin
    |   +---send
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---debug
    |   |       |   +---node_modules
    |   |       |   |   \---ms
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    |   |       \---ms
    |   +---serve-static
    |   +---setprototypeof
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---shebang-command
    |   +---shebang-regex
    |   +---signal-exit
    |   +---simple-concat
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    |   +---smart-buffer
    |   |   +---build
    |   |   +---docs
    |   |   \---typings
    |   +---socks
    |   |   +---build
    |   |   |   +---client
    |   |   |   \---common
    |   |   +---docs
    |   |   |   \---examples
    |   |   |       +---javascript
    |   |   |       \---typescript
    |   |   \---typings
    |   |       +---client
    |   |       \---common
    |   +---socks-proxy-agent
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    |   +---sprintf-js
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    |   |   +---dist
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    |   |   \---test
    |   +---sshpk
    |   |   +---bin
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---formats
    |   |   \---man
    |   |       \---man1
    |   +---statuses
    |   +---stream-transform
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   |   \---es5
    |   |   \---samples
    |   +---string-width
    |   +---string_decoder
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---strip-ansi
    |   +---strip-json-comments
    |   +---supports-color
    |   +---supports-hyperlinks
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       \---has-flag
    |   +---tar-fs
    |   |   +---node_modules
    |   |   |   +---bl
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    |   |   |   |       \---internal
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    |   |   |   \---tar-stream
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    |   |       \---fixtures
    |   |           +---a
    |   |           +---b
    |   |           |   \---a
    |   |           +---d
    |   |           |   +---sub-dir
    |   |           |   \---sub-files
    |   |           \---e
    |   |               \---directory
    |   +---tar-stream
    |   +---through
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---tmp
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---to-buffer
    |   +---toidentifier
    |   +---tough-cookie
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---tslib
    |   |   \---docs
    |   +---tunnel-agent
    |   +---tweetnacl
    |   +---type-check
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---type-is
    |   +---universalify
    |   +---unpipe
    |   +---uri-js
    |   |   +---dist
    |   |   |   +---es5
    |   |   |   \---esnext
    |   |   |       \---schemes
    |   |   +---node_modules
    |   |   |   \---punycode
    |   |   +---src
    |   |   |   \---schemes
    |   |   \---tests
    |   +---url-template
    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   +---test
    |   |   \---uritemplate-test
    |   +---util-deprecate
    |   +---utils-merge
    |   +---uuid
    |   |   +---bin
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---vary
    |   +---verror
    |   |   \---lib
    |   +---vm2
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    |   |   +---lib
    |   |   \---node_modules
    |   |       +---.bin
    |   |       \---acorn
    |   |           +---bin
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    |   +---wcwidth
    |   |   +---docs
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---which
    |   |   \---bin
    |   +---widest-line
    |   +---wordwrap
    |   |   +---example
    |   |   \---test
    |   +---wrap-ansi
    |   +---wrappy
    |   +---xregexp
    |   |   \---tests
    |   +---xtend
    |   +---yallist
    |   \---zip-stream
        |   +---collaboration-allowlist
        |   |   \---exemptions
        |   +---collaboration-whitelist
        |   +---collaborations
        |   +---collections
        |   +---comments
        |   +---configure
        |   |   \---environments
        |   +---device-pins
        |   +---events
        |   +---file-requests
        |   +---files
        |   |   +---collaborations
        |   |   +---metadata
        |   |   +---tasks
        |   |   \---versions
        |   +---folders
        |   |   +---collaborations
        |   |   +---locks
        |   |   \---metadata
        |   +---groups
        |   |   \---memberships
        |   +---legal-hold-policies
        |   |   +---assignments
        |   |   \---file-version-holds
        |   +---metadata-cascade-policies
        |   +---metadata-templates
        |   +---retention-policies
        |   |   +---assignments
        |   |   +---file-version-retentions
        |   |   +---file-versions-under-retention
        |   |   \---files-under-retention
        |   +---shared-links
        |   +---sign-requests
        |   +---storage-policies
        |   |   \---assignments
        |   +---tasks
        |   |   \---assignments
        |   +---terms-of-service
        |   +---tokens
        |   +---trash
        |   +---users
        |   |   \---email-aliases
        |   +---watermarking
        |   +---web-links
        |   \---webhooks
        |   \---init